welcome to:
Name: Lily
Pronouns: She/Her
Bio: Young programmer from the American South. Classically trained with Java, self-taught with C#, Lua, Batch, and HTML/CSS. Been writing code since age 9, and haven't stopped since. Ameteur hardware enthusiast, putting doodads where they shouldn't be and removing gadgets from where they should be. Currently in a creative writing program, with a preference of fiction and humor writing.
Favorite Musicians: Jamiroquai, Crumb, Jack Stauber, Masayoshi Takanaka, Mac Demarco, Tally Hall, Lemon Demon
Favorite Albums: Discipline, Ice Melt, Travelling Without Moving, Hilo, On Guitar, View Monster, This Old Dog
Favorite Authors: David Foster Wallace, (to be continued when i start to remember people's names)
Favorite Games: Fallout: New Vegas, Minecraft, Hot Dogs Horseshoes & Hand Grenades, ArmA III, CoD4
Favorite Softwares: Blender, Notepad++, Hammer Editor (when it works), VLC Media Player
Last Updated: Feb. 17, 2024